Meet The Team
MCL Consulting consists of a team of competent, committed and experienced employees. Allow us to introduce them to you on this page.
Ethan Carlile
Environmental TechnicianMore InfoBSc (Hons)
Specialist Areas:
Contaminated Land, Environmental and Landfill Monitoring
Zachary Rose
Consultant EcologistMore InfoBSc (Hons) MSc
Specialist areas:
Phase 1 Habitat Surveys; Biodiversity Checklists; Protected and Priority Species Surveys; EcIA; Habitat Management & Mitigation
Amy Skuce
Principal EcologistMore InfoBSc(Hons), MCIEEM, FISC 4
Specialist areas:
National Vegetation Classification Surveys, Phase 1 & Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys; Biodiversity Checklists; ECoW, Protected & Priority Species Surveys, EcIA, HRA/Appropriate Assessment, Biodiv
Jack Semple
Noise ConsultantMore InfoMEng (Hons)
Specialist Areas
Noise Modelling using CadnaA; Noise and Vibration Impact Assessments, Occupational Noise and Vibration Monitoring and Assessments
Hannah Clarke
Graduate Waste ConsultantMore InfoBSc (Hons) MSc
Specialist areas:
Waste Management, Contaminated Land, Environmental and Landfill Monitoring
Jack Bacon
Graduate EcologistMore InfoBSc (Hons) MSc
Specialist areas:
Phase 1 Habitat Surveys; Biodiversity Checklists; Protected and Priority Species Surveys; EcIA; Habitat Management & Mitigation
Lewis Shaw
Graduate EcologistMore InfoBSc (Hons) MSc
Specialist areas:
Phase 1 Habitat Surveys; Biodiversity Checklists; Bat Roost Potential & Activity surveys; EcIA;
Pooja Choudhary
Graduate Environmental ConsultantMore InfoBSc(Hons) MSc
Specialist areas:
Protected and Priority Species Surveys, Biodiversity Checklists, Contaminated Land, Environmental and Landfill Monitoring